Bee Curious 


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About us

Our approach has been developed around the Early Years Framework, using elements from leading practices such as Reggio Emilia, Maria Montessori and the curiosity approach, to offer children a home from home experience, which is both fun and rewarding. 

The Nursery offers an environment which embraces the following values:

  • Enjoyment and fun in learning
  • The importance of play to stimulate learning
  • Team spirit, respect and relationships are encouraged
  • Children involved in a range of activities without fear of failure, secure in taking risks
  • Self-Motivation, Recognition and reward for achievement
  • Valuing children, their opinions and needs
  • Children given space and time to complete activities
  • Building resilience, confidence and self esteem
  • Bee Curious is a small nursery in the heart of a beautiful seaside town
  • The nursery is homely and close to several excellent amenities such as parks, beaches, museum and libraries.
  • We place a high emphasis on outdoor learning with regular trips and nature excursions.
  • Communication

We operate an open-door policy where parents are welcome in the nursery at any time. There are regular parent evenings, newsletters and information notice boards throughout the nursery.  Each child has a personal e Learning Journal which is completed both at the nursery and at home on iPad/tablets.

‍             Our Aim

‍        Our aim at Bee Curious Nursery is to be a place where children can thrive.

  • Create an inviting, trustful and respected space where children, families and employees are treated  respectfully and equally.
  • Offering a healthy, safe, secure and inspiring learning environment where children can learn and grow
  • Provide high quality child centred education and care by promoting the development of creativity, free choice, individuality and self – confidence
  • Modelling positive examples to inspire children to be kind, imaginative and independent individuals.
  • Supporting employees in the development of their professional practices.
  • Learning Through Play
  • Children learn through play and are free to choose from a range of activities in our free-flow nursery layout. The playrooms are organised to facilitate choice and easy access to resources. From a young age, children are encouraged to be independent and support is given when needed for hand washing, choosing their snack, dressing, etc. 
  • Staff make careful observations of the children at play, their use of resources and the interaction between the children, and use this information for planning purposes. The older children plan together with the nursery staff using Floor Books (a large book documenting the children’s ideas, pictures, activities and photographs) ensuring that our nursery day is child-centred. We involve the children as much as possible in everyday nursery decisions (such as snack choice, book of the week & trip choice) and we take their views on board.


  • Children, parents and staff work together to ensure a smooth transition between groups at the key stages within the nursery and on to school and we have excellent links with local primary schools.
  • E Learning Journals
  • All children at Bee Curious Nursery have an e Learning Journal which everyone loves. We manage the journals on iPads and parents have a login code which allows them a fantastic insight into their child’s time at nursery, reading comments from staff and looking at all the lovely photos.

Further information on the Pre Birth to 3 Guidelines and Curriculum for Excellence is available at

We support the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child; the curiosity Approach;
the Montessori and the Reggio Approach and in particular
the following principles and values that underpin all aspects of our work

Values confirming:

Children are unique and should be respected as individuals, 

with rights, needs and views of their own

The right of children to play and its importance in childcare, learning and development

Parents as partners in the children’s care, learning and development

Inclusiveness, individuality, differences and diversity are valued and celebrated

Equality of opportunity for all children and adults

Copyright 2019 

Bee Curious Nursery

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